Thursday, December 10, 2009

Anyone else getting messages that are at least two days old?

In the last few weeks I have had lots of problems with hotmail not getting through at all. But other ISP addresses are now having probs too and telling me the same returned message is being sent to them. Also keep finding messages in my inbox that appear showing that they are at least 2 days late!

Anyone else getting messages that are at least two days old?greek theater

Yes all my contacts are getting delivery delay or failure notifications .. have reported it to Yahoo 3 times thery just say they are aware of the problem ..... but this has been happening for weeks now .. When will it be sorted YAHOO?

Anyone else getting messages that are at least two days old?performing arts show opera theater

Yep me too. I recieved an email from a friend on msn 2 days after she sent it. I thought she was ignoring me for a while. Glad its not just me though.
yes im gettin emails late that are from a hot mail adress, good job they aint urgent is all i can say, tut!
on yahoo mail having trouble my mate sends me emails dont get them till two days late sometimes dont get cant understand

My old employee is getting of jail next week. He blames me of sentence & is coming for me. What

An old employee of mine is getting out of jail next week and states he is coming for me!!! Three years ago I was this man's sales manager and we were on the road. It got late and him and another co-worker were hungry. They pulled up to a McDonalds at 10:59 (sign said they closed at 11:00) and were refused service. Words were exchanged and the man who is now after me (we'll call him Fred) threw a huge rock right through the window. They came back to the hotel %26amp; the next thing you know Fred was involved in a physical may lay with the police that came for him. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

He now states it was my sales training that have him such confidence he could have done something like that and get away from it. Furthermore, I did not write or call Fred while he was in jail and he keeps saying "Not one phone call or letter". Further goes on to state he will make an example out of me for selling him down the river. What can I do???

My old employee is getting of jail next week. He blames me of sentence %26amp; is coming for me. What should I do?home theatre

call the police

My old employee is getting of jail next week. He blames me of sentence %26amp; is coming for me. What should I do?ballet theater opera theater

Contact your local police department and see if you can get a restraining order against him ! Tell them that you fear for your life and if you have anything on paper or recorded telephone calls take them with you as proof!! Good Luck%26amp;God Bless !
If he's threatening you, go to the police and have a restraining order placed on him to stay away. I would bet he does nothing to you.
restraing order. Or, yeah, carry a gun
i would call the police. see if you can get a tpo (temporary order of protection) against him. you should have no problem doing so since you have been threatened by him. hope this helps. good luck.
If you are truly concerned contact the police. From the way it sounds, this guy is a menace to society and will get what's coming to him in the end if he continues down that road. Sounds like his home life was less than desirable.
If he has written any of this down go to the police and show it to them. It he calls record him and tell him you are doing this. Otherwise you could move. You could apologize for not writing tell him you didn't know what to say that you never knew anyone that was in jail before. Sounds like he need anger management classes.
Apply for an Exparte Restraining Order.. thats the first step.. If you are really worried.. apply for a concealed weapons permit and get a gun.. If yer really really worried.. get the hell out of Dodge and move...
you can go to the police and tell them the story or

you can meet with him in a place which has a lot of cops or

Run Run as fast as you can if you can't fight
It really depends on a great number of things. #1 are you a democrat or a repblican (yes it has a lot to do with it)

#2 If you're a republican and you don't own a gun, buy one.

#3 if he comes to you and threatens you, shoot the SOB then put a knife in his hand.

You'll do fine from there.

Is it too late to ask her out?

I asked this girl out to promand we had a good time. We talked and danced for hours...The prom was in May...and I saw her in june and we talked for a little bit...but shes 17 and im 18 and I didnt have a car till now so i couldnt go to her house unless my parents drove me, and I live like an hour away. I've been on vacation since july 5th so I cant ask her out. Im just wondering if it would be too late to ask her out when I get back?

Is it too late to ask her out?palace theatre

not unless she has another bf.

it doesnt seem to long.

but i suggest getting in touch with her now, maybe just throw email or phone. that way, she can remeber how much she likes u so she will say yes when u ask her back out.

Is it too late to ask her out?concert tickets opera theater

Never too late. Give it a go.
No, not if she isn't taken, go for it! Good Luck!
if you took her to prom it's not like she will forget about you so i say go for it
call her ask her
It's never to late, go for it!
Better late than never! Go ahead!!! It's never TOO late for anything like this :) good luck!
No, not at all - it's never too late. The worst that could happen is she says no - oh well then. Be sure to tell her you just got back from vacation and that's why you haven't been in touch.
why not. go ahead . good luck (from England)
no just tell her what happened and if she likes you everything will be alright.
No! go for it if you still have feelings for her!
No way. It's fine to do it when you get back. Just remind her about the times you've spent together before, and make sure she still feels the same way about you, and if not spend more time w/ her, then ask.
it's not too late. =] good luck!!!!!!! let's keep our fingers crossed for the best for you~%26lt;3
well make sure shes single and like have a get together thingy make sure ur still friends [nothin ackward] then ask her to do it again she says yes then ask her out then.
no itz not 2 late...just ask her out...i think itz good tat U got 2 know her first be4 u asked her out
ITS NEVER TOO LATE!!! Especially if ur nice! Just hope shes still available...oh and if she isnt, dont worry. Just wait. Get to know her more. BE FRIENDS!!! And when the time comes again, you will know...Good Luck!!! ;)

Me, my brothers and the Jonas Brothers...?

okay i know most of you dont believe this but i dont really care, cause its real. but anyways, The Jonas Brothers are comming back to my home town and my brothers and i wertalking to them and were trying to find a way for them to get out of the theater without being seen by their "fans" so we can chill for a while before they gotta go to their next concert...any sugestions? were thinkin about like goin to the movies or like...out to eat, just to get away from the stage.

Me, my brothers and the Jonas Brothers...?regal theater

why don't you just have them come over to your house and chill? im sure they love playing video games like wii and guitar hero, they seem pretty laid back. but if they go out in public you'll be swarmed by fans at the movies or at a restaurant. if you just hang out at someone's house im sure it'll be more relaxing and you'll get to know what they're really like instead of being swarmed by tons of girls.

Me, my brothers and the Jonas Brothers...?performing art center opera theater

Who would want to hang out with them?

You are a total liar!
Stop trying to hog them! They may be annoyed by you and just don't want to be mean by telling you, so leave them alone! please and thank you!
u can go somewhere that doesnt have many people and maybe go to the mall or the movies!


im a SKATER, so i MUST be an idiot.

I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.

I'm COLORED so I MUST carry a gun.

I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz

I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.

I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat.

I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy.

I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.

I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.

I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.

I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.

I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a *****.

I'm an OREGONION so I MUST hate white people.

I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.

I'm ATHEIST so i MUST hate the world.

I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals

I'm a FOOTBALL PLAYER, so I MUST be a stupid jock and get everything handed to me.

I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.

I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.

I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.

I'm a HICK, so I MUST be white trash.


I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.

I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.

I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.

I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.


I'm a DANCER, So i must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore

I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut.

I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.

I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.

I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.

I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.

I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.

I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.

I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.

I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.

I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals

I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a huge BUTT

I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!!

I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.

I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.

I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention.

I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention.

I'm INTO THEATER %26amp; ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.

I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.

I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be ******* them all.


I have BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.

I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.

I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.

I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be a communist.

I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi.

I hang out with GAYS, so i must be GAY TOO



I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited


I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy

I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy

I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas

Im a STONER so i MUST be going in the wrong direction

Im a VIRGIN so i MUST be prude

Im STRAIGHT EDGE so i must be violent.

Im SKINNY so I MUST have an eating disorder.

I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy.

I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.

I'm BI so I MUST have SEX a lot.

I'm a GIRL who actually EATS, so i MUST be fat.

I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly.

I'm ASIAN so I MUST have a small penis.

I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals.

I'm MIXED so i must be ****** up.

I'm MUSLIM so i MUST be a terrorist.

I'm in BAND, so i MUST be a dork.

I'm COLORED so I MUST believe JESUS WUZ A *****

I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black

I'm MEXICAN so I MUST hop fences


I'm Mexican and I'm in my 30s so I must be fat.

WHICh STEROTYPE ARE YOU?oper opera theater

I'm ME, so I can't be categorized.
I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I am Irish, but I dont have a drinking problem...........
I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
Um Im none of those.I dont fit ANY stereo type.
I'm not a STEREOTYPE, so I am ME.

I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.

lol :-)
I am Jamaican so I smoke weed which I defiantly don't!
Lol what a funny question!

I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy

Lmao! Thanks you making me laugh!

I am a GENIUS, so I MUST be misunderstood.
This is retarded, stereotypes are stupid, I don't care i'm damn proud of my nationality
Wow I'm a pretty blonde skinny virgin with boobs. Don't I just sound great! lol!
I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.

I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.

I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.
I dont like stereotypes...

I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz

I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.

I'm a GIRL who actually EATS, so i MUST be fat.

I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be ******* them all.
there are too many i am in but none of them are true.....................
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.

I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a *****.

I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals

I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.

I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.

I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be ******* them all.

Im a STONER so i MUST be going in the wrong direction

I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly

i dont like stereotypes.
Im Mexican so I must hop fences

Im Skinny so i must have a eating disorder
I'm none of these so I must be a nobody
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a *****.

I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy. (crazy, I'm not that unsightly)

Im a VIRGIN so i MUST be prude.

I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.

I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.

I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals.

I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly. (well, it's actually because I'm so boyish. ^.^)

Wow... I have a lot of 'em. o.O"
I'm a Wolf...

That means,

I'm beautiful,

I'm inteligent,

I'm wise,

I'm faithful to my mate,

I have a strong sense of family,

And I'm very spiritual.

Have you ever been on "A date from hell"?

God knows I have. It's my own fault though really kinda. I had met this really hot college girl at a bar and we decided to go out the following week. Well I had just put a 454 in my 72 Chevy Nova and I drove it all the way to where she lives but I was running late and I had to crap really bad. I felt embarressed when I clogged up her toilet and had to ask for a plunger. Later it got worse yet. After we seen the movie in the theater "Black Sheep" we decided to go out dancing. Well on the way to the club this beat up flat-bed farm truck starts revving his engine next to me at a stoplight wanting to race. The road was all clear in front of us to the next light. Janet looks at me and says "don't even think about it". Well I did it anyway and won the race but as soon as I pulled off to the side of the road she slapped me in the face and was going to call for a cab. I felt really bad about it and actually let her drive me hot rod home. I never seen her again after that. Do you have a story?

Have you ever been on "A date from hell"?state theatre

Yes I've been on 4 dates from hell, then I married each of them. What's up with that? lol. funny story thanks.

Is it too late to start thinking about become a lawyer when you in your 30's?

Is it to late to start thinking about become a lawyer when you in your 30's? My friend is thinking about going back to college to get his bachleors degree in business admin. Then he is thinking about going to law school. He is 32 years old. Is he to old to start thinking about becoming a lawyer? Can someone start becoming a lawyer when they are 40 years old.

Is it too late to start thinking about become a lawyer when you in your 30's?paramount theater

Well, if it is too late someone should tell my 30s, 40s, and 50s classmates, lol.

It's absolutely not too late for him to start the process of becoming a lawyer. There are people much older than him who've been successful and started college at an even later time in their lives. Being an older law student allows him to bring a perspective that will serve him, his future classmates, and future colleagues well.

Is it too late to start thinking about become a lawyer when you in your 30's?theatre opera theater

Yes, but remember that there are younger competetion out there especially in class. Those young brains with his middle age brain wont coincide with eachother. Maybe online classes and staying focused.
Of course you can go to law school at that age - the average age of many law schools is in the late twenties and he will hardly be the only 30 year old in law school. Good Luck!!! to him
No, it is never too late to realize your dream~~your passion.

If your friend actually wants to be an attorney, I say GO FOR IT!!!!

I am 51, and just recently enrolled in college to become a paralegal/criminal justice majors/

I had already decided if I needed to go to law school to prosecute my son's murderer, I would do that.

Never let your dreams die.

Good luck .
it's never too late! tell your friend to GO FOR IT! there is a lawyer who is in my office who was previously a surgeon, and at 62 years young, went back to law school. he adores his new, lucrative career.

one theory is that your friend's compitetion will be with people who have an edge based on youth. a better way to examine this is that he (or she) will have a competitive edge based on experience.

good luck!
It's never too late to pursue your dreams. Your friend isn't too old. Life experience makes a big difference in statements of purpose and letters of recommendation, especially when these are compared to someone with zero life experience (students who are fresh out of high school with only internships and part-time jobs on their resumes).

Getting sick from staying up late?


I am now home on summer vacation from College, and enjoying every minute of it. In about two weeks time, I am flying up to Boston for a week to see family, as well as a performance of the Boston Pops. The Friday night before I go, our local theater is hosting a showing of Jurassic Park at midnight for free. Can I get sick from staying up too late and not getting enough rest? I know its a weird question, but I ask for two different reasons.

The first one is.....a year ago I went to Disneys Grad Nite (get up for school at 7 AM, go to school all day, then go to Disney until 7 AM the next morning), and within a week I was sick. Now, I know this is different from a trip to Disney.

The second reason is...I am going to Boston, and really cannot get sick right before I go.


Getting sick from staying up late?home theater system

The fact of staying up late does not get you sick per se. It is the consequences of staying up late that can and make you weaker (lower your immune system). Therefore, you become more prone to catch something and less capable of fighting back when you come in contact with some virus or infected bacteria. If you stay up late, try to take a nap the next day, try to avoid situations where you might get exposed to a virus or infected bacteria (avoid seeing any friend who is sick,...), take vitamins before and after, eat healthy, ... do some exercise (relieving stress). Your main goal is to help your immune system during this period when it is not as efficient as usual. Then you should recuperate by napping or going to bed early the next day. hope this helps.

Getting sick from staying up late?the grand theater opera theater

Yes. When you do not get enough sleep it affects you in a lot of ways least of all is lowering your immune systems resistance. With a lower immune system you will get sick more often because your body won't be able to fight off things it normally would.
You do need to get sleep for you to revive itself. Resting gives your immune system a chance to caught up with your busy life and not sleeping certainly hurts your immune system. No, you will not positively get sick if you don't get proper sleep, but you do become more susceptible
Yes lack of sleep can affect your immune system which can make you sick.

"Things that weaken the immune system are poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, and lack of sleep. These all increase the risk of getting sick. Anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) are considered to be good for the immune system."
Here's the thing. The cold virus is just that a virus. Your body cannot "make" the virus. You have to catch it by airbrone or other means. However, staying up late and not resting can stress your body out. Thus making you more likley to get sick than someone that has rested their body. You can try and take some herbal remedies to boost your immune system if you like and drink some OJ in advance and while on your trip. That should help but I make no promises. Have fun on your trip and try to get some rest in between when you can :)
Yes, it is very possible. The average person your age should be getting about 8 hours of sleep each night. Not getting the full 8 hours for more than one night in a row can start to lower and weaken your immune system. Your immune system is your body's defense system against germs and diseases it encounters.

I recommend working your schedule out in a day planner to ensure that you are fitting in enough time to get proper rest each night. Other things that might help: Drink plenty of water, take a vitamin c supplement as well as a zinc pill. And make sure you're eating healthy (well, fairly healthy anyways...)

Hope this helps!
You can get sick if staying up all night is stressing your immune system. The best immune system protection is "airborne", you can get it a your local grocery or drug store. It's a natural herbal mixture invented by a school teacher.
Loosing sleep can effect your immune system negatively.

By weakening your immune system you open yourself up to germs and viruses.

I would reccomend washing your hands regularly as well as taking some precautions such as oral zinc tabs and perhaps some Vit. C.
It is possible. Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to illness.
Try to get as much sleep as you can leading up to the trip tp avoid sleep debt. Also increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc to allow your immune system to function at it's best. Taking a multivitamin (which will have the vitamin c and zinc in it) is best.

While being sleep deprived can cause your immune system to be compromised, I find it hard to believe it was over one day. More than likely you caught something during that Disney trip (there's germs all over those hand railings and such) and that's what made you sick.
the first time you got sick may have been just a fluke ,but then again this could be how your body responds to lack of rest also ask yourself about other times where you didn't get enough rest and then you might have you answer,,usually illness occurs when the body receives a germ or some type of system failure so to speak if you have a weakened immune system from some other source then rest is very important.but I would guess that you can do this without getting sick good luck have fun!!

Should I have kissed him, or am I being bitchy?

(note: never kissed anyone before, or had a relationship)

We met up for a movie, although I mistakenly thought more people were going to come too. The movie went alright, and he's not a bad guy. He didn't pay for the movie ticket, so I didn't realize it was a date in that way.... but I've never been out on a "date" before this. He didn't put his arm around me or anything in the movie theater or hold my hand... I guess I expected holding hands, or hugging before skipping to kissing on the first date.

So he drove me home, and at the last minute he tried leaning towards me in the car, and I ended up bashing my head on his shoulder and not kissing him at all, and I went back inside my house. ...He sounded kind of upset when he said bye.

Agh, I think he's physically cute, and we talk fine about common interests, but there's something about me that wouldn't let me kiss him. Am I not into him, or do I just need him to take it slower?

Should I have kissed him, or am I being bitchy?violin

Normally there is an escalation of physical contact when dating. To lunge in for a kiss without any preliminaries is a bit oafish to begin with. Also, you are never required to give anyone a kiss or escalate physically in any way if YOU do not feel comfortable. You did nothing wrong. Relax and give yourself a break.

Should I have kissed him, or am I being bitchy?chinese theater opera theater

it's ok.i think u were a bit afraid as it's the first time.but it would have been gud if u have kissed him....

If I like my friend brother, what can I say to him that isn't totally obvious, but still shows

Back ground info:

My best friend and I were walking from the movie theater to her house (like a 20 minute walk) and her brother pulled up on their motor cycle. He was like "HEY!"

He said He'd drive home and get his car and come pick us up. This was weird because this was before I really go to know him, and he always seemed pretty grouchy. He got the car and pulled up and my friend says to me

"He's only doing this because YOU'RE here" Then she doesn't say anything else, and never brought up anything about him acting different when I'm around until

A few months later. She tells me that her cousin (17) and this brother (19) were talking and her cousin said I was cute. Then her brother said "Kate weighs 200lbs!" even though, I don鈥檛. I weigh 135, and I'm 5'8.

She also told me that he was watching TV and saw a girl that looked like me and goes "OMG its KATE!"

If I like my friend brother, what can I say to him that isn't totally obvious, but still shows I'm interestedsunshine

Just tell him that you may be best-friends w/ his sister, but you wouldn't mind being his friend too! The more you hang out and get to know each other, the faster things may develop. Whenever you and your girlfriend go out, ask him to come too. If she can't go somewhere, ask if he will go with you instead-

Tell him you "So wanted to see this movie tonight, and I don't really want to go with X because she talks too much, but your sister can't go either- Hey! What if you went with me?!?..."

If he asks if he can bring his girlfriend then you'll know you're SOL!

If I like my friend brother, what can I say to him that isn't totally obvious, but still shows I'm interestedstar theater opera theater

go ask him for a date. obviously you are also attracted to your friend's brother so go for it and hit the sack. cheers!
Go out and have a dinner. Good luck.

Boys/Girls Please Answer.?

Ok, so I met this one boy at a fall festival in october. My friend made me go talk to him because I really liked what I saw. So over the months I kept calling him because, my friend gave me his number. I told him that I liked him and he just said interesting. On wednesday I asked him to the movies and he was like sure so tonight I went to the movies with him and his two friends and he was like tottally ignoring me and only paying attention to his friends. His friends kept telling other people that I was his GF but he was like no shes not. And so then after the movie I walked out of the theater thinking that they were following me. Turns out he was talking to these really pretty girls that go to his school. They I ditched him. He walked past me on his was out and was like see ya. And I gave him a mean look cuz he was with all of his friends and the two girls. When I got home I sent him a text message explaining how he blew it. By the way every time I tried to talk to him he ignored it.

Boys/Girls Please Answer.?performing arts show

you do not need a guy like that in your life. That is too much drama and he showed what a true jerk he really was. To be honest you should stop contact between you so if he feels there is something there he should contact you. if you contact him you will sound desparate.

Boys/Girls Please Answer.?opera cd opera theater

i would just ignore him or forget about him.

he sounds like a jerk

good luck
He's not interested in you.
liked what you saw?

you probably discovered there's more than what you see in a person to that person

my advice is

f*** him

and get someone who's wants you as much as you want them
He doesnt like you...took advantage of your feelings...
He doesn't like you, that's all! you shouldn't force yourself to him anymore.

Math question?

k the question is:

Conor walked from his house to the movies and jogged home. he walked at 5km/h and jogged at 7km/h. If Conor was walking for two hours more than he jogged, how far is his house from the movie theater?

k could you guys show all youre work, i need to learn how to do it so just set up the equation and show youre work. i think you need to set up two different equations.

thanks everyone

Math question?concert tickets

This can be solved using Linear Equations in one variable...

Let the time used by Connoer be represented by x hrs.

Since Distance = Speed x Time... And the distance from the house to the movies and vice-versa is same....

We get the equation,

5 ( x + 2 ) = 7x

5x + 10 = 7x

7x - 2x = 10

5x = 10

x = 2 hrs...

Therefore to cover the distance by running, he took 2 hours...

Therefore, since Distance = Speed x Time

Therefore, Distance = 7 kms/hr x 2 hrs

= 14 kms.

Therefore, the distance from the movies to the home is 14 kms..

Hope this helps...

Math question?theater seating opera theater

let the distance be X

than the equation is X = 5 *( X/7 ) + 10

7X = 5X/7 + 10

7X = 5X + 70

7X - 5X = 70

2X = 70

X = 35, ur ans is here, Distance is 35 KM
Simultaneous equation:

x = time it took to walk

y = time it took to jog

x = y + 2 (the time it took to walk is equal to the time it took to jog, plus 2 hours)

5x = 7y (the time it took to walk times the speed is equal in distance to the time it took to jog times the speed.)


Since x = y + 2, and we are trying to get an equation with only 1 variable, then you can substitute y + 2 for x in the other equation.


5(y + 2) = 7y

5y + 10 = 7y (simplify the left side of the equation)

10 = 2y (subtract 5y from each side)

5 = y (divide each side by 2)

Find out the x variable:

x = y + 2

x = 5 + 2 (substitute the value of y for y)

x = 7 (simplify)


5(7) = 7(5)

35 = 35

Answer the problem in words, since it is a word problem:

It took Conor 7 hours to walk to the movie theatre and 5 hours to jog back. (that is not the answer)

This is the answer:

It is 35 miles to the movie store. (since distance = speed * time, and 5 (speed of walking) * 7 (amount of time) = 35, and 7 * 5 = 35)
home --%26gt; movie at 5 km/hr

movie --%26gt; home at 7 km/hr

let x be the number of hours it takes for conor to job back

5 km/hr * (x + 2)hr = 7 km/hr * x hr

5x + 10 = 7x

10 = 2x

x = 5 hrs to jog

7 km/hr * 5 hrs = 35 km distance from house to movie

therefore conor lives 35 km from the movies
Tw=Time walking Tj=Time jogging




start with that^

Then since you know that Tj = Tw-2 you can substitute that for Tj down


Then you distribute the 7


subtract the 7 Tw from the 5Tw which gives you the below equation


and then you divide both sides by negative 2 and get the below


Then you multiply that by the rate she was walking at to get the distance


The Other Shoe?

One evening after work, a man drove his secretary home after she had a little too much to drink at a party. Although nothing happened, he decided not to mention it to his wife. Later that night, the man and his wife were driving to a movie when he spotted a high-heeled shoe hidden under the passenger seat. Pointing to something out the passenger window to distract his wife, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window.

They arrived at the theater a short time later and were about to get out of the car when his wife asked, "Honey, have you seen my other shoe?"

The Other Shoe?performing art center

Wow! Did not see that one coming! lol.

The Other Shoe?theatre tickets opera theater


Pretty good.
ha ha! awesome
i like itgot any more ?
lol, that's a cute one!

lol that was funny.
that would be horrible!!!! hahahahahahahahhaha
haha!!! loved it, star for you, happy new years too!
LQTM!!!! thats really funny
Secrets work that way!!

very good

Hahahaha very good
Lol Honey nothing happened,here have a star,I hope you had a wonderful New Year.xxxx
hehehe, well that sorted him out, oops, pmsl

star time

hahaha careless!!! lol

freakin hilarious!
hahahaha...pmsl silly man.

Where's the most errotic place you've got busy?

My checklist already includes a rooftop, the theater, at work, public bathroom, dark hallway...

my b/f and I have been in this kinky phase of wanting to do it everywhere but at home in bed, ANY SUGGESTIONS or new ideas?

Where's the most errotic place you've got busy?theater

In the middle of a football field and in a dressing room were amazing for me! How about on the hood of a car? I've always wanted to try that one. Good luck!

Where's the most errotic place you've got busy?london theatre opera theater

in the living room when you have guests over.
In the tub!!!
any place u feel most comfortable
The park, durring the day, in the summer, while it's raining really hard!
on my hood it the rocky mountians . comming to texas from colorado
i once had it in a office with the door closed, on tp of a desk!
Laundry mat

Hood of a car while the engine is still warm.

on the beach at sunset...

in ur parents or his parents bed!! or even grandparents or if u or he has any siblings???? outside in a park under the a niteclub..hehe friends did n got caught by tha an alleyway but dont get charged wit public indecency like a car..esp. sumone elses...a friends...under a table at a restaurant u cud keep him occupied ie american pie a a closet...
in a library, plane hangar, in moving train, in BPO company etc.
When walking the dogs, the best place was in the lifts at work. Only had like thirty seconds... we took the rest when we got to my office, it was a weekend and nobody was about
public pool, closet of a modular home being shown at a housing place, front porch(at night), just name a few that my wife and I have been busy in.
hot pink room, with

pink flowers

pink pilow

pink blanket

pink brain

pink vagina %26amp; c0ck with pink caramel on top sprinkle with pink peanut and sliced pink banana.........
baseball field, gazebo, trampoline....loving the hood of the car idea....
on the floor in the living room ( i know it sucks huh?)

Can I get a womans point of view plz?

used to know a girl when I was a shorty (family friends) but we never used to actually speak to each other, but I used to go play with her younger brother a lot. 20 years later I saw her while I was overseas (we now in our late 20's). We went out to dinner and theater to catch up. She told me when we were little she didn't speak to me as she didn't know what to talk to me about. Now we get along pretty well and we talked for hours - she told me about the past and what she been upto since. when I suggested I send her something when I got back as a thank you gift, we stopped at her place and she gave me a gift to take home. She hug me goodbye.

I sent her books coz she reads and she went and told her family members. She snail mail me back to say how she enjoyed catching up with me. She sent me a magazine she was recently interviewed and photographed for about her unusual line of work. She asked me to write to her again.

Can I get a womans point of view plz?theatre

I think you should write back or you WILL hurt her feelings however you can also make it clear in a nice way that you arent after a relationship just a friendship. Who knows maybe thats all she wants too.

Can I get a womans point of view plz?opera music opera theater

If you find her interesting, enjoy her letters, and think she is nice, it sounds like the makings of a friendship.

You can never have too many friends.

Instead of thinking of it as a "relationship" why don't you consider it a friendship?
long distance relationships ain't that bad when u r rili into her.
it seems like she may just be interested in friendship anyhow... but i would write her back just to see if she just enjoys your friendship or if it is something deeper.
it would be rude not to write back. Why do you have to start a long distance relationship? why dont u just consider her a friend?

How do u even know she wants a relationship with u?

Do u not enjoy her as a friend? Keep it simple sounds like ur reading too much into this. Maybe shes just happy to talk to a familiar face considering she is so far from home.

send her a short n sweet note just to be polite. no need to start a "relationship"
write her back ,u have nothing to lose

Does this guy like me or is he a player? I'm confused?

I met this guy about 2 months ago. His brother lives about an hour from my house so when he goes to visit his brother he usually comes and hangs out with me too. well He calls and texts me pretty much everyday and he's really nice and cute. Well one day he drove to my house to hang out and he would always look at me and smile at me and try to make me laugh. He would always ask me if I was having fun and I would always say yes. Well a few hours later we drove to a movie theater to see a movie. On the way there his ex girlfriend called him and he was laughing and smiling but he would always look at me and smile at me while he was talking to her too. They seemed really close though. Anyways the next day he had to go home again and I checked out his Myspace. Well most of his myspace friends were girls . There were a bunch of comments from his ex saying that she had fun yesterday and things like that. There were other girls too saying the same things. is he a player? does he like me?

Does this guy like me or is he a player? I'm confused?pacific theater

He enjoys female company.If you can't handle it.Drop him.

Does this guy like me or is he a player? I'm confused?phantom of the opera opera theater

am...yes..yes,I would almost certainly say he is taking you for a ride...going by what you have written...

You don't make it clear whether the two of you are an item or whether he just some guy you meet up with now and again. If you an item then I can see why him speaking to his ex and stuff might have upset you.

However, if he just some guy you see occassionally then chances are he has friends because he not attached to anyone and is young free and single. He may not be cheating but just going out having a laugh.

He sounds like a player to me either that or he's trying to hide the fact that he's gay. :D
he is really playing and he is having fun with that

so cut your relationship with him
He's a regular sort of guy I think. Yes he likes you and he likes the other girls too. Why would you object to that?

Do you want some sort of social inadequate who cant get other girls?
Hi ,well from mypoint of you i would say if in doupt dont jump!!!!!!!

However as 'this guy' has the personality you say he doe hes probley got lots of admirers!!!

Look before you jump!!
don't care about the other girls, be careful you will have the opportunity to know if he is joking or not
he is playing the field
he might be player, he might not be...

i say, take it slow and be very carefull... the longer you wait, the faster youlle get to know the real him and his true feelings...

trust me - time tells all

Oh My... Goodness...?

I know this statement will have been made many times but I just got on and I want to make it too! Cena... retains? I went to see it at the theater, STFU! Orton gets to the ropes, RKO!! Pin, 1, 2, Kick Out! F-U! Pin, 1, 2, 3? Wait, 3? What the heck!

I was actually angry!

Now we have to wait untill Unforgiven for him to lose the title! Or maybe, just maybe, he'll lose it at his home town tomorrow night on Raw.

Oh My... Goodness...?the grand theater

there is bound to be a fued between hhh/ cena / orton and hopefully tittle will change hands a couple of times between the 3 of them

Oh My... Goodness...?soap opera opera theater

I am so pissed right now Cena is a pointless *****
Would be great !!!
you complain...yet your avatar is a picture of cena?
They totally need new writers.

Cena (WTF?)

Khali via DQ

Beth Phoenix


I'm sick %26amp; tired of Cena being the champ
Please enough with cena winning! Im pissed too but still.
Well, your opinion is very unbiased which is cool.
yeah, what's with the cena pic hypocrite!
he won it fair and square. orton did his rko and for what? it proved for absolutely nothing. they both gave it their all and i admire randy orton for that, but he should've realized that wasn't enough. when he had cena in submission i thought it was ocver, but cena proved us wrong and he retained it.
What is wrong with a great champion who holds the title for a while? Ric Flair held the NWA title in the 80's 2 or 3 yrs at a time. Hulk Hogan held the WWF title for like 5 str8 yrs. Do you 12 yr olds have such a short attention span you can't handle a guy holding the title for 10 or 11 months....geez
No it would not of been cool for Randy Orton to be The WWE Champion, I can't think of any worse person to be the WWE Champion, the Next WWE Champion will be The Game Triple H.
i like cena but man I'm praying the Orton gets the title come on every one knows it would be a whole lot more interesting seeing cena chasing the title instead of defending it. its time for Orton to kill the up and coming legend that is john cena
That bum. He's not going to lose for a while. Hell, I got my hopes up tonight but I won't do that again.

I am so pissed off.
i am a cena fan but he held it too long now
Cena is Here!

Orton Sucks!

When was the first time you got stopped & why?

Just wondering when everyone got pulled over for the 1st time %26amp; why %26amp; if you got a ticket. Tonight was my 1st time 37 days after getting my driver's license. I was driving home from my aunt's house. When I turned I saw the cop flip a U-turn %26amp; turn his lights on so I pull into the movie theater parking lot because I don't think he's stopping me because I wasn't doing anything wrong, but I was wrong. He pulls in too, %26amp; scares me half to death. Then he comes up to my window %26amp; tells me that he pulled me over because I only had my running lights on. (what a relief but did he have to take 10 years off my life to tell me that?) He ask for my info but I'm not exactly sure what my registration is so I hand him a paper %26amp; ask if that's what he wants it is. now he wants my license he looks at it ask me where my mom works. I say "Wasco County Community Corrections" %26amp; he's like "oh she's the secretary there right" "I say yes" he goes to run it %26amp; comes back %26amp; gives me a warning. I can breathe again

When was the first time you got stopped %26amp; why?chinese theater

Lucky Girl, Mommy works in a branch of law enforcement... So you got a warning. It won't help on more dangerous offenses so be more careful. With more months and years of practice you won't make the silly mistakes, turn on your lights, use your turn signals, stop for traffic signals and "Stop" signs, don't speed more than 2 or 3 mph over the posted limit, slow down in the rain, use your seat belts, renew your plates on time, renew your insurance on time, don't let it lapse. Check your oil and lights often, (When you see your car's reflection look to see if the lights are all working) Don't change lanes often(Weaving) and don't drive aggressively. Do give away your right of way to avoid an accident. Best wishes for a long time safe driving experience.

When was the first time you got stopped %26amp; why?opera mini opera theater

I haven't been stopped yet. But watch. I'll get a ticket tomorrow now :-)
I got pulled over when I was 15 for driving with expired tags, and add to that I also only had my learner's permit with no adult in the automobile. My big sister was babysitting my two baby sisters and had had a medical emergency and needed me to pick the girls up. She lived three miles from the family home, so I could have easily walked there, but my sisters were one and two at the time and they wouldn't have been able to hack the walk back. I told the policeman all of this and he seemed empathetic and understanding of the situation. Two screaming baby girls in the back seat helped to verify that part of the story. But what really sucked was as soon as the first car had pulled me over, five others immediately arrived, lights flashing, sirens blaring, officers pulling their weapons and the girls freaking out royal because their big brother is laying down in the middle of the street with two cops sitting on him. I ended up getting fined like 50 bucks for the expired tags and potentially another 100 dollars if I didn't get my license within 30 days of my 16th birthday. The penalty wasn't so bad, but the humiliation of being thrown to the ground less than 200 yards from my house and having all of my friends and neighbors see me this way, (for years afterwards any time something untoward happened in the neighborhood, BPD would be on the front steps to interview me,) and how much it all freaked out my little sisters, well all of that stayed with me for years. I realize the cops were just doing their job, I just think they could have handled it a little more delicately because of the little girls.
Wasco county? Hey, at least you`re not in North Portland!!!

Actually, it`s not that bad now, with Gentrification and all that...

Hey, maybe that cop hassled you because he thought you were one of those Gang members that are fighting for territory between Dufur and Shaniko!

I spun a circle around a friend while he was walking in a parking lot.Didn't realize cops were across the street. They charged me for unnecessary noise and spinning tires late hours of the night.I was 16 and it was like 2am.
on the way to the airport..

push 80 something on a 65 mph limit.

the cop was sweet though....give me a first

trying to be careful ever since, but it's hard...hmmm
Drag racing my buddy. Cop was right behind us in an unmarked car and got us both. No ticket, just a warning.




I Dont Know What to Do?

the movie tim burtens the nightmare before christmas in 3-d is out and my friend loves the movie i told her when it will come out and if she would want to go see it which she did and we started planing it and i thought it would be me and her but then when it started to get closer to the date when we where going to go and she seid she had invited alot of her friends to come i aksed her how meny and she seid about 16 and that not that many people will come. then a day before the movie which would be saturday we found out that the movie theater dosent play the movie that we want to go see.

so i dont know what to do go see a movie i dont want to see with alot of people i dont know and not be able to even talk to the person i wanted to go with or call it off and just stay home

please help im a shy person and dont know anyone who is going to be there what should i do

I Dont Know What to Do?star theater

Its hard but Honesty is always the best way...dont be miserable just to fit in with the crowd......tell them its not playing and your not going and tell your so called friend....your not comfortable with alot of others if they are a true friend they will understand and if not.....there are trurer friends out there who will !! Be yourself....never change to fit in...your special in who you are....and thats shy or dont matter just be YOU !!

I Dont Know What to Do?extension opera theater

i would just make sure you were going with and going home with your friend and you will be fine :) it will mean before and after the movie - when you will need someone to talk to - you can talk to ur friend and whoever she's talking to without it seeming weird

good luck :)
see what else is playing, tehn go, maybe invite some of your friends too. but if theres nothing playing, then dont go if you dont feel like it. but if you feel brave do go! you mite make sum new friends!
You should try and seize the opportunity to make some new friends! i used to be really shy, but eventually I asked myself what I was shy about and I didn't have an answer. Doing things like meeting new people is a great way to have fun, and make opportunities to have even more fun in the future. And anyway, if they are your friend's friends, and you like your friend, the people she has chosen to invite aren't going to be horrible! So don't worry. You would regret it if you didn't go, i think.
Hi im Bria diz iz what I think u should do. Go to your friend n tell her dat u thought it was goin to be her and u and dat u didnt no it waz goin to be dat many people. So can she make arrangements wit her n dem or make them with u. just tell her how u feel n u are shy n dont no those people.

How many of these have happened to you?

You've been wearing a pair of sunglasses, only to have someone point out that another pair is on your head.

You've said, "I really want to see that!" to half of the advertisements shown at the theater.

You've been reading for what seems like an eternity, only to realize nothing on the page registered even the teeniest bit.

You've gone out with friends only to come home thinking, "I could've been...."

You've been so cold, you took a burning hot shower, only to come out pinched and red, and freeze some more.

You've procrasinated something important, to do the less important things, and payed for it later.

You've made a mistake with someone you cared about, and the effect will never be erased.

You've thought about something forever, and have never done anything about it.

My point is, everyone does stupid things right?

How many of these have happened to you?opera songs

i have to say i have done atleast 3 of them... ill point out 2

You've made a mistake with someone you cared about, and the effect will never be erased.

You've thought about something forever, and have never done anything about it.

How many of these have happened to you?secure browser opera theater

OOOOOOOOH yeah, we all do those things and there's nothing wrong with it...its just life!
ahha i've done like all of those
Yes, if we are honest, everyone has done some goofy stuff.

We're human -- it's in us!

And yes, I've done two of the above (but I'm not 'fessin up to which!)

well yeah.

nobody's perfect

flaws are what makes us different
I've only accomplished 3; the movie one, the procrastination one and the thinking one (last one)
Probably because these are somewhat exaggerated, I cannot think of any of these examples that I've done before.
yep i did about all of those...

nice thinking i like that....

cool stuff these are stuff you do but you don't really notice
haha. yeah, deffinetly. I think I've done like everyone of these. Nice to know I'm not the only insane person in this world. lol. Especially the one about reading something and not registering it. I do that all the time in social studies. haha.

One of your fondest childhood memories?

One of mine was going to the drive in movie theater. We would go in our pajamas and bring blankies and lie on top of the roof of my parents car and watch the movie outside. We wouldn't get home until 2 or 3 am. I would pretend to sleep so my Mom or Dad would carry me into the house! LOL!

One of your fondest childhood memories?chicago theater

It's got to be my moments in our little gang in my home town! we would hang in the town centre, and do stuff! Not all of it legal, but great fun! I'm only being honest here! Although i do not condone being in a gang! It's not big and it's not clever!

Anyhoo! We would hang in a derilict building that was the old co-operative building! It had a large stage area and serveral floors! we had hundreds of chairs and facilities to hand! Just no electric! LoL! so our Getto blasters had to make do with batteries! ah we'd go on mads missions round the building in pitch black at night! Not always carrying torches and nearly killing ourselves on lift shafts! But still great fun! We used to get in to the building by going through the really dark and scary tunnels under the streets! which was the redirect for the river! Oh the good old days! the building had burnt down, but was still there and many of its rooms where intact! Exept a few where there was sheer drops to the basement! Um! LoL! It eventually got burnt down again, by... well don't ask me! LoL! It was not our doing, but the flames could be seen for miles! LoL! It was getting pulled down anyway!

Ah we'd hang on the park, the Town Hall steps, at flats, go on missions to the Airport, we hung in Night Clubs, underage drinking too was part of the ritual! (I do not condone this either it is plain silly harrassing your neighbours and people because a teenager cannot handle his/her drink and it's illegal and gets you in trouble!)

moral time anyhoo... ok kiddies time for some advice from a former G/M! Take your hoods down and scarves away from round your faces, it's silly frightening the life out of old folk! Let me remind you also of the dangers and stupidity revolving around carrying GUNS! In Manchester we have had Kid on Kid shootings recently!, You shoot one they or there friends come looking for you and shoot you! often you guys get it wrong like the shooting of jessie james in Moss Side, Mancherster a few months ago! He was 15 for crying out loud! Out riding his BMX! There was 11 year old Rhys Jones in Croxteth, Liverpool last Wednesday night! he was on his way home from football when a hooded teenager on a BMX let 3 shots offf from a pistol! One hit Rhys in the back of his neck, he bled to death in his mothers arms! he was a baby for Gods sake! A 14 year old was shot in Hulme Manchester at the weekend in retaliation for another shooting a few weeks earlier! In london a 15 year old boy was shot 2 weeks ago, and in Bolton 2 weeks ago a 16 year boy was stabbed to death near his home!

Lets put down the weapons now guys and gals! It's time we had peace on our streets! It's omly gonna get worse if you don't! The reason why a lot of your carry is for protection! well if you could adapt and learn to get along then, you wouldn't need to! Lets put it another way! you might like to say it's our territory, we don't want strangers or kids from other neighbourhoods here! well you are wrong! Your parents and friends and government have worked and fought battles and legislation fpr centuries to give you what you have today, and the streets you walk! If it wasn't for them you would not be here and you certainly wouldn't be walking them streets!

Lets all think about this, and return to Peace!

Peace! Azzy *HUGS*

One of your fondest childhood memories?met opera opera theater

watching the rocky horror picture show and then me, brother and sister would dress up and dance to the sound track!
One of my fondest memories,it was when mother yews to sing to me and my sister.Until we got to sleep lol.
one of my fondest childhood memories is when me and my family were having so much fun playing on the rain in our garden while we were in our pajamas oh, how I wish I could be a child again and experienced it once again..........

Am moving out and catching cold feet . help?

am moving out of my parents house for the first time. i am a manager at a theater and a college student. i am moving in with a highschool friend and her sister in the city to enjoy being young and city life. It a month till the move in date and am scared. I gotta pay for rent a bills now. my parent dont thing i should move they say why pay rent when you can live for free. are they right. my friend just died and its taking a real toll on me i dont know what to do anymore. should i just move and start all fresh and new or be scard and stay home.

Am moving out and catching cold feet . help?theatre tickets

I would say make the move, and explain to you how to budget your work, studies, and expenses.

But you are moving out to room with 2 girls. I would not suggest that is a good idea. It will not be as much fun as you think. However if it were with 2 guys, that would make sense.

When girls get together they interact much differently than when guys get together. You will always feel like a 3rd wheel.

You will end up feeling like you did when you were by your dad, lonely. You had no companionship at your dads, and you won't have any real companionship sharing an apartment with 2 girls. They giggle allot, and will also share their experiences differently with each other. So maybe you can find some guys that would want to move out to the city, and share an apartment.

Meanwhile while your home, start chipping in with the family expenses. Food, rent, telephone, electric, gas. This will prepare you for the time when you will eventually move, and you will know how to budget yourself in the future. You will then move with confidence, and not be frightened.

Have a good one.

Am moving out and catching cold feet . help?opera house opera theater

You have to leave the nest sometime and learn to be self-proficient. You can't depend on your parents forever. Sometimes the hardest route is the best one to take because it makes you stronger.
Try being on your own for a while. It's a great experience. I know that leaving home for the first time can be scary, but you'll be glad you did it!
that is natural but why move with others and girls at that i thought you want to study.
Always face your fears head on. Move out, learn to balance your budget and to live within your means. Just think every other week or so you can ask your folks if they wanna have a movie night. You'll be fine hun, its a step we all have to take, at least you're not doing it with a baby!
if you are that scared, you aren't ready...

what I suggest you do is stay at your parents, but ask them to help you get used to budgeting and paying for things that you will eventually need to when it is time to move forward.

Ask them if you can pay rent %26amp; utilities etc to them out of what you earn, and they can deposit it into a bank account for you to have as a security nest egg for when you are ready to be out on your own.

Getting used to having bills and knowing you are setting yourself up for your future will help you a long way in being ready for the independent first step.
It's very normal to be scared when you leave your parents' house, but it has to happen sometime. Remember, it's not like you're leaving their lives. You can call them anytime, and they'll call you, too, believe me. Focus on all the positve things that are about to happen to you. You'll be independent in every way, and you can even call your parents one day and say something like, "Let's have lunch, it'll be my treat." That is a wonderful feeling!
the best thing you should do is to move out... i'm sorry for your friend but you should try to move on and be happy and let people in ur life.. sometimes you need to forget the past and don't live with it..... deal with the present and try to be happy.. hope all the best 4 u.. good luck!!

Interesting quote, what do you think about it?

“One day I’ll marry a man. He and I will end up finding a way of dreaming of a future together: a house in the country, children, our children’s future, We’ll make love often in the first year, less in the second, and after the third year, people perhaps think about sex only once every two weeks and transform that thought into action only once a month. Even worse, we’ll barely talk. I’ll force myself to accept the situation, and I’ll wonder what’s wrong with me, because he no longer takes any interest in me, ignores me, and does nothing but talk about his friends as if they were his real world.

When the marriage is just about to fall apart, I’ll get pregnant. We’ll have a child, feel closer to each other for a while, and then the situation will go back to what it was before.

I’ll begin to put on weight, and I’ll start to go on diets, systematically defeated each day, each week, by the weight that keeps creeping up regardless of the controls I put on it. At that point I’ll take those magic pills that stop you from feeling depressed; then I’ll have a few more children, conceived during nights of love that pass all too quickly. I’ll tell everyone that the children are my reason for living, when in reality my life is their reason for living.

People will always consider us a happy couple, and no one will know how much solitude, bitterness, and resignation lies beneath the surface happiness.

Until one day, when my husband takes a lover for the first time, and I will perhaps kick up a fuss or think again killing myself. By then, though, I’ll be too old and cowardly, with two or three children who need my help, and I’ll have to bring them up and help them find a place in the world before I can just abandon everything. I won’t commit suicide; I’ll make a scene. I’ll threaten to leave and take the children with me. Like all men, my husband will back down, he’ll tell me he loves me and that it won’t happen again. It won’t even occur to him that, if I really did decide to leave, my only option would be to go back to my parent’s house and stay there fir the rest of my life, forced to listen to my mother going on and on all day about how I lost my one opportunity for being happy, that he was a good husband despite his peccadilloes, that my children will be traumatized by the separation.

Two or three years later, another woman will appear in his life. I’ll find out but this time I’ll pretend I don’t know. I used up all my energy fighting against that other lover; I’ve no energy left; it’s best to accept life as it really is and not as I imagined it to be. My mother was right.

He will continue being a considerate husband; I will continue working at the library, eating my sandwiches in the square opposite the theater, reading books I never quite manage to finish, watching television programs that are the same as they were ten years ago. Except that I’ll eat my sandwiches with a sense of guilt because I’m getting fatter; and I won’t go to bars anymore because I have a husband expecting me to come home and look after children.

After that it’s matter of waiting for children to grow up and of spending all day thinking about suicide, without the courage to do anything about it. One fine day I’ll reach the conclusion that that’s what life is like: there’s no point worrying about it,nothing will change. And I’ll accept it.”

Interesting quote, what do you think about it?hollywood theater

I don't accept the idea that an unmarried woman would actually say all of this while envisioning her future. This was written by someone looking back at her life, someone who would have let life happen to her. This would be a sad person, comfortable with her role as victim, and too lazy, cowardly, or uninspired to take control of her own experience.

I think it has value as a cautionary tale, hopefully helping people look at themselves and their choices with a wider scope. Hopefully, it would inspire others to drive their own life, to make wiser choices, and to realize that one simply can't live their life for anyone else or they've just wasted their turn.

As a side issue, parents have a moral obligation to lead by demonstration when it comes to teaching children how to live life, how to be proper grown-ups and how to have people of value in their lives. Living through a divorce is preferable to growing up thinking that this disgrace of a marriage is all that can be expected.

Interesting question, thank you.

Interesting quote, what do you think about it? opera theaterI really loved the book but I agree with your comment, "This was written by someone looking back at her life, someone who would have let life happen to her." Report It

I think that's a pretty long quote.
is that from the hours? Ok, I give up

hmmm...I hope my parents aren't like that.

It's very depressing and pessimistic. Marriage doesn't have to turn out that way.
Well it pretty much sucks...... whoever that is about is a complete loser with no self esteem!! or pride for that matter!! I hope this is a quote from a book and not a person you know in real life.
Wow. Sounds like a typical story of a wife, a mother, a woman who loses herself to self pity .

This reminds me of lots of relationships out there where many of the men and women with children will go elsewhere to find happiness, instead of sticking it out like they do in the olden days.

People nowadays often find that they will only be happy after their 2nd or 3rd try, though they do often have baggage to contribute.

Is it not horrible to marry for the first time, always in good faith that you and your mate will live happily ever after?... only to fear that it might never work the first time around?

Because they say you don't know Good until you know Bad.
Judging from the quote you've stated above, you're a woman right? That's really what things are. Women are meant to be cheated when man and woman marries. But you, as a woman, should not accept the fact that you've been cheated all the time. You'd live miserable for the rest of your life thinking that there could something you might have done to stop your husband's doings. That was truly a hard situation thinking that you already had children. It's true, there's nothing you can do... If you'd like to file a divorce, or perhaps go to the court and file for adultery, there's no point, because your children would soon be affected by the situation. It's just that, IN THE FIRST PLACE, IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! We've been given the chance to choose who's the man/woman we'd marry. You should have tried to take all the possible ways to insure yourself that you'd marry someone whom you knew that would be faithful to you for the rest of your life. And of course, you have to make sure that person truly LOVES you and it all depends to you on how you may be able to know these. Remember, regret doesn't come first...
I'm still reading...............seriously though I know where your coming from I have the same situation with my friends. I want more excitement and they are not down with that they are boring and getting boringer by the day. You dont have to settle for a life of mediocrity. try doing new things together if this fails you gotta leave him cuz hes just as bored as you are and he will find someone else anyway. "Life is what you make it"
It's a choice to be resigned to such a fate. We make choices as to the quality of our lives. Even if such a woman is in this predicament, she could choose to get involved in something else that she could be passionate about.

She chooses not to cross the street to the theater, let alone consider volunteering to build the sets, working the ticket booth, or even being a member of the chorus.

She chooses to watch the same television, reading books instead of writing them, getting fatter instead of going for a bicycle ride.

When the children are grown, will she not be proud of their independance, and the positive influence she's had? Can't she again put her free time to even better use, since her child-raising responsibilities are done, save for an occasional day with the grandchildren.

This is not a tragic tale of some 24 year old getting killed in a car accident. This is someone who choose every day, 10,000 days in a row, to do a little less.
The woman speaking seems to think that marriage is supposed to give purpose and meaning to her life, and if it doesn't, life isn't worthwhile. Wrong. Life is, or is not, meaningful in itself; marriage was never meant to bear that burden.
the sounds like the life of many many women in this world

I know women who are going thru this right now

I think the woman in the story knows the answer to her problem.

She needs order to face life you need to grow balls (pun intended)

another problem is that people kinda just try to live normal lives and not EXTRAordinary lives.

Gotta aim HIGH
that is the reality of life. a stage of which each of us would go thru in life. the reality that it happens makes it a sad tale... but hey, it's the experience that matters. how strong and how weak one can be... a matter of make or break... that's where the challenge of life's survival lies.
How sad! It makes me want to cry! I know that life is like that more often than it should be, but I don't want to think about it. It does make me want to be sure to pick the right man. It also makes me want to make sure life stays intresting for me, but that's what I always planned on doing.
let me know how the story, or "quote," ends
Sounds like a pretty normal marriage - an easy trap to fall into.

What happens when love comes between you and your dream?

so i have a boyfriend that i have had for quite sometime. We love each other more than anything in the world.. he even is going to wait till we get married to have sex! But there is a problem... there is a theater in colorado that i have been planning on working at ever since i was nine years old...i even have a spot saved for me...and i love these people...they have been my second family through everything that has happened in my parents divorce me moving to texas...everything....the only problem is my boyfriend is not up to moving to colorado... he doesnt like the idea of leaving his home and he also has different dreams that he cant easily pursue in colorado...i dont know what to do....i know that i think i would never forgive myself if i let go of my dream... but i dont know if i can let him go either

What happens when love comes between you and your dream?

Been there done that. My advice? Go with your dreams and here is why.

When I was in HS I was in love with a girl. My entire life revolved around our relationship. I gave up my dream. Im 36 now and looking back, I made a huge mistake. Love is great but at a young age its seldom permanant. Go with you dreams, do your best to fullfill them. If this guy really loves you, he'll join you in CO. Otherwise, God may have bigger and better plans for you that you dont even realize yet.

What happens when love comes between you and your dream?opera mobile opera theater

imagine your life without that theater, then imagine it without the guy...which is more unbearable?
Whats wrong with moving and keeping the problem with having a long distance relationship.
Go to colorado, if he really loves you he will wait. If your dream works out great, maybe he will change his mind. If it doesn't work out, at least you can say you tried. Then maybe move back where he is. If he loves you enough to forgo sex then he should love you enough to encourage you to follow your dreams.
You have to decide what is more important to you.your dream or your husband.Its your choice and only yours to make.
Impossible to answer. Why? Because if you leave one or the other you'll think: "What if..." one thing I do know is that you might regret loosing your dream more than loosing a love, since you can find somebody else later in the future if he decides not to follow you and being supportive. Tell him to let you try to fulfill your dream with him by your side and go on from there.
If he loves you more than anything in the world he should respect the fact that this has been a dream of yours for a very long time. In a healty relationship you should be able to support one another and encourage each other to go after your dreams. Please go after your dream, this is your life and you have to be brave and go after what you want.

How can you make a romantic mood when you are with a guy?

How can you make a romantic mood when you are with a guy in the movie theater? My guy isn't that romantic at least compared to me, wherever we go i like to hold his hands and walk close to him but he says all after our marriage what if others watch and tell our parents well he sounds reasonable but sometimes i'm overwhelmed...and stressed! We go out to eat in the restaurants, movies,bowling,picnic,shopping and many more, but i'm the one who is always have to start holding his hand or something then he'll be okay....but not 'very romantic' though. esp.when he come wot watch movies he'll just sit and watch the movie then would go 'okay let's go home, don't want to get in trouble' god forbid!! i hate it sometimes!

How can you make a romantic mood when you are with a guy?opera music

I couldn't tell whether you are married now or not by your letter. However, I am of the opinion that he is not your type. So, if you are not married to him, break up with him. If he is your husband, I would strongly suggest good counseling.

Why am I late???

Background - I had my tubes tied and burned 6 years ago. Now that that is said. Since Sunday I have been feeling very nauseous and have had headaches. The nausea goes away in mid to late afternoon and comes back around bedtime. I was supposed to get my period 3 days ago but still have not gotten it. Today my breasts are slightly tender and my nipples are a little sore....not much just a little. I have been very very tired and have had nooooo sex drive (that one is driving me crazy) What could this be??

Why am I late???phantom of the opera

well im in the same situation as you are ( except for the sex drive part) I actually thought i was pregnant last month because my period was so late; and even took a pregnancy test( it was negative...thank goodness) ive heard that a tubal ligation becomes less effective after 10 yrs)and my husband was actually conceived after a tubal) but i think its just your homones! i would wait a week and if u still havent had your period-take a test! thats the only way to know whats up!

good luck!~!

Why am I late???listen to opera opera theater

Maybe the tied/burned tubes didnt work... I hate to say that but sometimes things dont go trough that way they are suppost to. I hope its just a freak thing. Go to the dr.

How can I get rid of late night cravings?

I always like to snack late at night. I stay up to 12:00 p.m on the weekdays, and I always get hungry between supper (around 5:00- 6:00) which results in doing a lot of snacking around 10:00-11:00. Sometimes it's even another meal. How can I get myself to stop snacking so late at night?

How can I get rid of late night cravings?soap opera

Try just drinking juice or water when you feel hungry at night. There's pills and teas that you can take at night that will help curve your appetite. If your not eating properly, like 4 time ealier in the day that could be what is contributing to your later hunger cravings. Try to eat 4 small meals per day and that might help and don't eat a lot of sugering foods at the end of the day. If you just have to eat then choose something healthy like veggies.

How can I get rid of late night cravings?city opera opera theater

Drink water and eat things like popcorn that have lots of bulk without a lot of calories.
Eat something a sausage for dessert.
have a snack at 5-6pm, eat supper at 8-9 and then eat an apple if you still have any cravings!
You might be consuming carbs at your meals. They are quick energy that burns off fast, thus making you hungrier faster. If you eat more protein, it will stay with you longer and no drinking as that flushes the food through faster. I don't drink with my meals much anymore and have noticed that the meal stays longer. If you need to have a snack find something high in protein...a cheese stick or even a scrambled egg are good.
Maybe you are eating too many proccessed foods. Try eating more complex carbs and fiber in your evening meal to keep you satisfied longer.
When that twing comes on Drink a natural and healthy Vanilla Flavored Ice Cream %26amp; Fruit shake which contains Hoodia. My wife and I really love these and since they are natural and healthy we feel like we're cheating on our health but we're not
Drink lot of water to calm you down or choose low fat, low carb snacks. That's what I do to calm down. I bought diet crackers and only take 2 and a glass with water. It helps me very much.
Drink lots of water in lieu of snacks...
Drink a low cal warm drink, such as light hot will fill you up without a lot of calories.
Divide your food intake into six small meals a day.

Try taking more of fibre rich foods like wholemeal breads, salads, fruits (fresh). so that you feel full and donot snack often.

Have low fat milk with digestive biscuts around at 5-6 PM. So you can have your dinner at 8-9 PM (try including salads at this time.) This will definitely hepl you with your late night cravings.
go to bed earlier. or eat fruits. and i'm guessing u mean 12:00 a.m.

Is it too late to start World of Warcraft now?

I'm looking for a time-consuming game now that I have tons of free time [well, the next 5 months are going to be for studying... but besides that I will be doing very little], and I'd thought about WoW aaages ago, but never really got round to it. Some of my friends say it's great though, but now that it's been out for 3 years isn't it a bit late to get into it? In all the other online games I play I'm used to [not boasting here!] being pretty high levelled, does that take ages in WoW? I dunno, it just seems like there's too much to catch up on after 3 years of a game.

Is it too late to start World of Warcraft now?opera mini

It's not too late. Just get up to 70, took me about a month when I use to play. I didn't play that much though so if you're no lifing it than you can probably do it faster. They're putting out a new expansion anyways, so all the level 70's will be getting up to level 80 making everything from the previous expansion kinda obsolete. The thing I didn't really enjoy about WoW is that most of all the content is for the highest level players, the end game raiding and such. Leveling up can just be boring, and all the quests consist of a combination of the following: Gather x amount of items, Gather x amount of items off of corpses, Kill certain monster, Kill certain amount of monsters, Find an item hidden in the last place you will look at on the map, Talk to certain person, Bring something to certain person. So ya, leveling up isn't that fun, but you should enjoy it once you hit 70.

Is it too late to start World of Warcraft now?passions soap opera opera theater

Not really, its not too late yet. cause so far i don't see any other mmopg out there that can compete or take over WoW.
its never to late to start WoW im starting now
Naw, go ahead and join WoW, it's a great and addictive game. HOw fast you level really depends on you. My 1st character took a year to level up, only because I took my time. 2nd alt took me about 4 months or so.

The 1st 10 levels are really quick. Level 10-20 is frustrating, levels 30-40 are cool (levels when you can start entering the instances everyone else is doing) 45-55 is REALLY frustrating, after that, it's smooth sailing until you get to 62, then it's frustrating again (LOL) but overall fun. If you have some friends, join their server and have them help you level (taking you into instances, helping you with difficult quests).

Good luck and don't surprised if 4 hours have passed playing WoW.

Oh, create a priest, druid or shaman character! You'll never have to worry about finding a group.
If you want a eye-candy time consuming game...

try Sword of the New World in the North American version or Granado Espada

that game is one hell of a time consumer... great graphics... major grinding... great skills... also great story.....

Also you could control 3 characters at the same time. ^_^

Been getting a little pain near my Lung?

This is a 22 years old male talking.

I have been getting little pain near my lung area. It not the kidney stone because I check with my mother. I don't know if it the muscle or something clog in my blood stream. I took asperin last night for my headache but it didn't remove the pain. I could try that again if it improve. The pain is between the 3 -5 on the scale of 10. Usually it get to 5 but it seem to drop down to 3-4. I was ask by my mother if I want to go to hospital. My main concern is going to hospital while being uninsured. She have some kind of plan but I don't know.

My diet is little awkward. It not fast food everyday but it pretty much on the budget since I am on short income. I eat cereal and macroni and cheese.

I stay up to work on something and go to bed late this week. My activity is only the computer. I don't know why but other guy my ages are working second shift on medium labour. Why me?

Any doctor or nurse want to take a break to answer someone question?

Been getting a little pain near my Lung?extension

have to visit a doc,it might just be a cramp

Been getting a little pain near my Lung?movie theater opera theater

get it checked out by a doctor. At your age you should be of sound body and mind.
The same thing happens to me but only when I get up to fast. I am 49 in fairly good shape. I am curious to see replies that could shine some light on this subject.

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?

My niece is 14 years old. Her mother, my late sister, passed away 3 years ago and my brother in law has been raising her and her sister by himself since my sister passed. He is a great guy and does a great job with the girls. Last weekend, he had to be out of town so I watched the 14 year niece for him. She snuck out of the house and went to a late movie with a boy and I ended up picking her up at the theater at 1:30 in the morning. At first I didn't know where she was but at 10:30 she texed me to tell me where she was and that she and the boy would need a ride home. Not a very nice thing at all to do to her aunt. Her father would not have minded that she went to a movie with a boy, if she'd asked ahead of time and made arrangements though he probably would not have allowed the late, late show. I have a good relationship with the girl because I love her but also because she has no mother. I've already told her how dissapointed I am and she apologized. Do I also tell him?

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?secure browser

This is a tough could tell her that she needs to fess up to her Dad or else you will be forced to do it. Let her know that your reasoning is that ultimately he is responsible for her safety and well being, and he can't make good decisions if you all are keeping secrets from him. OR you could keep the secret and hope that she feels that because of this she can come to you with her girl problems. Personally, I think your best bet is to let her Dad know what's going on....this is the age where kids start making decisions that could change their lives forever....and if they think no one is paying attention, they will take more risks...good luck.

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?home theater opera theater

I dont know. What would be the point of telling him? Do you want to get her in trouble?

It sounds like he wouldn't be that angry, so it's probably ok.
I feel that you should tell him so that he can be aware of the behavior and look out for it in the future. how would you have felt if something had happened to your neice. sometimes the hardest love is the tough love.
Yes you do tell her father because you can't be conspiring with her in the future. She is too young to be sneaking off with boys anyway. Dad needs to know what is going on.
Yes. Let her father know what happened, but tell him that you discussed it with her and that no further action is needed. As her dad, he should be made aware of such occurances.
Oh yeah you tell him. She needs to learn a lesson. What if something had happened to her while being out? The police will come knocking on your door and charging you with being an unfiit guardian. You could get fines or jail time. So don't o it for any other reason that she should learn her lesson. They don't let you off of death row because you said sorry.
I believe that if it's a first time offense, I would let it slide. If when she apologized to you, it felt sincere then it's probably taken care of. Now if you get repeat offenses if you watch her again - that's a different story

I remember when I was younger, my cousin used to watch me when my mom went out of town. We got away with some stuff my mom would have killed us for - but our cousin never told her. She talked to us, and explained things etc. It was a very good experience, brought us closer, and here I am - still alive!
It's a no brainer,you tell him,he has a right to know that she misbehaved,she's using you and your love for her to get away with something,I garentee if you don't tell she'll do it again to you,and what if you don't tell and she does it again and next time something happens to her,then you'll feel really bad,plus explaining to her dad, Get what I'm saying!!!
Of course you tell dad and tell him how you disapprove. He needs to know that behavior is not good for a girl. He needs to know she can't and shouldn't behave that way with you. Doesn't matter that you're not mom. You are family and deserve respect, espcially when she comes to your home.

If and when she comes over, tell dad no more dates for her. She's already proven she can't be trusted and doesn't display good judgement skills with boys.

Strange dream.. maybe interpret it for me?

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream my baby was born and it was a girl.

My best friend was a nurse at the hospital and was wraping my baby in a blanket, but she wrapped her up weird, so when she handed my daughter to me, I dropped her.

I was so afraid Id caused brain damage or something.

I took her home, and my other friend came over and told me we were going to the movies.

I left the baby with some strange guy just standing there.

I said Id pay him when I got back.

In the movie theater I met some girl who said she'd killed her class pet. I asked her how and she said she ripped the legs off of it.

I was all sad and asked her how she'd feel if someone did that to her and she said she didnt care.

Then I was running down this long side walk that was a bridge and on either sides was water and people in them having tea parties.

I ran up this thing pushing my baby in a stroller singing some rap song I dont know in real life real loud.

I kept on fearing Id slip in the water.

Strange dream.. maybe interpret it for me?opera singer

maybe you're afraid of not being a good mother. maybe it means nothing. sometimes if people are on medication or eat chinese food it will give them nightmares or cause them to have weird dreams. don't let it worry you. by the way are you pregnant? because pregnancy can cause people to have weird dreams. anyway don't dwell on it.

Strange dream.. maybe interpret it for me?amc theater opera theater

your anxiety of giving birth is playing on your subconscious..
I'm sorry I am no interpreter of dreams but there sure was a lot going on!

I can say that I always have dreams about being a "bad mother" except that I am no mother. I dream about looking after my sister's kids and dropping them or forgetting them, leaving them locked in a room by accident, etc... I think it's normal to have nightmares to have those kind of fears as you just worry about treating babies/kids right.
I would take it that my dream was telling me the sex of my child before it was born, and that I was going to have to be very careful with her.
there are certainly some incompetent rejects around here tonight!! any way I'd say it's just you're nerves I've had the craziest dreams this pregnancy I've dreamed that my baby was a girl too and hariy as a chimp she was so small that her head wobbled all over in the infant carrier and we got one of those head support thing for the carseat swing etc..... she was so tiny like the size of a 6 week old kitten and btw I'm having a boy I have a boy themed nursery etc so it's just anxiety I also dream a lot about my hubby ''who loves me to death'' 7 years together no infedelity '' he is always having orgys with other women and I wake up to pee and go back to bed I'll be in the same damn dream I'm like ugh!!! it is however free entertainment better than a movie!! good luck!!
When I was pregnant I had many strange dreams. When one becomes pregnant everything in our bodies are effected, including our subconscious. Your dream is easily interpreted, you have a fear that you wont be good parent. The part with the water is a symbol of change, and so is the bridge.
if you go to

you can look up individual dream symbols %26amp; see what they mean.

( Sorry I couldn't help more, I barely know what my own dreams mean )
It sounds like anxiety over becoming a parent or questioning what kind of parent you will be. I know that I have had some crazy pregnancy dreams that meant nothing at all so don't worry too much. I am pregnant with my third child.
lmaooo it is so good to know that im not the only one that has crazy dreams. Welcome to the club. I think its a good sign that u can recall so much detail
Heres my interpretation of u:

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream my baby was born and it was a girl.

My best friend was a nurse at the hospital and was wraping my baby in a blanket, but she wrapped her up weird, so when she handed my daughter to me, I dropped her.

I was so afraid Id caused brain damage or something.

I took her home, and my other friend came over and told me we were going to the movies.

I left the baby with some strange guy just standing there.

I said Id pay him when I got back.

In the movie theater I met some girl who said she'd killed her class pet. I asked her how and she said she ripped the legs off of it.

I was all sad and asked her how she'd feel if someone did that to her and she said she didnt care.

Then I was running down this long side walk that was a bridge and on either sides was water and people in them having tea parties.

I ran up this thing pushing my baby in a stroller singing some rap song I dont know in real life real loud.

I kept on fearing Id slip in the water.

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