okay me and my boyfriend wanted to see a movie after he got off of work, but while he is in work i planned on hanging with my best friend, but at the last minute my boyfriend invited my bestfriend to go to the movies, which i had absolutely no problem with, so me and my best friend were thinkin of what movie to see on moviefone.com, and we were going to a specific theater, but she had a problem with that because it was too far, but it worked for me and my man because it was closer to where he lived, so we ended up buying some movies and going over his house, but his dvd wasnt working, so we were all in his basement (me, my boyfriend, my best friend, and her toddler), me and my boyfriend went upstairs to have sex twice, each time was about a half hour, and she got real pissed offf because we left her there, and she said she could have went home, we are still arguing and mad over the situation any help PLEEEAAAASSSEEEE!!!!!
Can anyone resolve this issue with me and my best friend??? any help pleaaasssee!!!!?opera sheet music
Dont argue..... apologise! I believe it was your fault and you shouldnt have left her alone for this atleast! You could have spent some time with your man n ur best friend together. Your guy invited this girl for the movie and it was your duty to look after her.... You guys spent time within yourselves ignoring the fact that she was with you! Gift her something she likes.......... gud luck n take care
Can anyone resolve this issue with me and my best friend??? any help pleaaasssee!!!!?shows opera theater
i prob woulda been bit peeved, you should have said you wanted a night with your man, and would see her soon.
I honestly don't blame her. You shouldn't do that to your friends dispite on if they know how you and him get or not. I suggest you give her time to cool off and apologize and make sure you don't do it again.
Sure I kno dat u wanted 2 have sex n everythin but that was kinda rude of u 2 cal her n then jus' leave her in the basement. I think u shud apologize 2 her n tel her how u feel bout ur boyfriend. Even if she knos tel her again becuz she prob didnt realize hw much u need n luv each other.
Well I figure if she's gonna make a big deal out of going to the movie theater you guys wanna go to and she comes over to his house and is there with you 2 (and she knows how you guys can get) she should just deal. She can't expect you two to sit there and entertain her all the damn time.
This may just take some time for her to realize that she was over-reacting and for her to cool down. What I would recommend is telling her that you two should take a few days apart to think and cool down so you're not mad over this anymore.
She kinda needs to be hit over the head with something big and blunt (theoretically) to realize she was in the wrong to be pissed off here.
It doesn't matter how she knows how you both get! It was very rude to have invited a guest into the home and leave her sitting there by herself for a total of an hour of her visit. I would be pissed also. She did not invite herself, your boyfriend invited her!.
I'm sorry, but I'm on her side. It was wrong!!
Nice Friends she has.
When the movie was out,when the movie "idea" was out you hear me, she was too.You just brought them closer because he know that she know what it is cause that's your bf you been selling her images talking about him and and in you now you gave her audio and if she thinks about it not even hard, she can put it together and if she just one time take your face off that picture and place hers there involuntarily even, BAM.
Sure I kno dat u wanted 2 have sex n everythin but that was kinda rude of u 2 cal her n then jus' leave her in the basement. I think u shud apologize 2 her n tel her how u feel bout ur boyfriend. Even if she knos tel her again becuz she prob didnt realize hw much u need n luv each other. and she really can't get mad cuz itz his house not hers so tell her that 2.
Can't blame her. Personally, I'd start with a sincere apology. Obviously, if she didn't want to go to the theatre that was close to his house because it was too far, then his house was pretty far too. So, to go out of your way to hangout with a friend and her man, and then be left by her lonesome for an hour, would make a person feel unimportant, and disrespected. Maybe taking the time and effort to give her some quality alone time with you, and do something to show her that she is importanr, might help too.
I have to agree with your friend on this one. I'd have been peeved, too.
you should of included her.
the plan was to watch movies together.
If you were going to leave her to go have sex then you and your boyfriend could of stayed at home for that and hung out with your friend another day. That was very rude of you! Not your bf.
First of all that is your best friend... not your boyfriend's. So for you to say " my bf invited her and she wanted to come" is unbelievable. Youre trying to point the finger at everyone but yourself.
How about working on being a better friend.
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