Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?

My niece is 14 years old. Her mother, my late sister, passed away 3 years ago and my brother in law has been raising her and her sister by himself since my sister passed. He is a great guy and does a great job with the girls. Last weekend, he had to be out of town so I watched the 14 year niece for him. She snuck out of the house and went to a late movie with a boy and I ended up picking her up at the theater at 1:30 in the morning. At first I didn't know where she was but at 10:30 she texed me to tell me where she was and that she and the boy would need a ride home. Not a very nice thing at all to do to her aunt. Her father would not have minded that she went to a movie with a boy, if she'd asked ahead of time and made arrangements though he probably would not have allowed the late, late show. I have a good relationship with the girl because I love her but also because she has no mother. I've already told her how dissapointed I am and she apologized. Do I also tell him?

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?secure browser

This is a tough could tell her that she needs to fess up to her Dad or else you will be forced to do it. Let her know that your reasoning is that ultimately he is responsible for her safety and well being, and he can't make good decisions if you all are keeping secrets from him. OR you could keep the secret and hope that she feels that because of this she can come to you with her girl problems. Personally, I think your best bet is to let her Dad know what's going on....this is the age where kids start making decisions that could change their lives forever....and if they think no one is paying attention, they will take more risks...good luck.

Do I tell my brother in law what his daughter did while he was on a business trip?home theater opera theater

I dont know. What would be the point of telling him? Do you want to get her in trouble?

It sounds like he wouldn't be that angry, so it's probably ok.
I feel that you should tell him so that he can be aware of the behavior and look out for it in the future. how would you have felt if something had happened to your neice. sometimes the hardest love is the tough love.
Yes you do tell her father because you can't be conspiring with her in the future. She is too young to be sneaking off with boys anyway. Dad needs to know what is going on.
Yes. Let her father know what happened, but tell him that you discussed it with her and that no further action is needed. As her dad, he should be made aware of such occurances.
Oh yeah you tell him. She needs to learn a lesson. What if something had happened to her while being out? The police will come knocking on your door and charging you with being an unfiit guardian. You could get fines or jail time. So don't o it for any other reason that she should learn her lesson. They don't let you off of death row because you said sorry.
I believe that if it's a first time offense, I would let it slide. If when she apologized to you, it felt sincere then it's probably taken care of. Now if you get repeat offenses if you watch her again - that's a different story

I remember when I was younger, my cousin used to watch me when my mom went out of town. We got away with some stuff my mom would have killed us for - but our cousin never told her. She talked to us, and explained things etc. It was a very good experience, brought us closer, and here I am - still alive!
It's a no brainer,you tell him,he has a right to know that she misbehaved,she's using you and your love for her to get away with something,I garentee if you don't tell she'll do it again to you,and what if you don't tell and she does it again and next time something happens to her,then you'll feel really bad,plus explaining to her dad, Get what I'm saying!!!
Of course you tell dad and tell him how you disapprove. He needs to know that behavior is not good for a girl. He needs to know she can't and shouldn't behave that way with you. Doesn't matter that you're not mom. You are family and deserve respect, espcially when she comes to your home.

If and when she comes over, tell dad no more dates for her. She's already proven she can't be trusted and doesn't display good judgement skills with boys.

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