Thursday, December 10, 2009

Write me a short song?

based on this info :

Zeus - king of the gods

Hera - Queen

Aphrodite - goddess of love

Apollo - god of the sun, light, music, and prophecy

Ares - god of war

Artemis - goddess of the hunt, moon, childbirth, and young.

Athena - goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and also of war

Demeter - goddess of agriculture and vegetation

Dionysus - god of wine, joy, theater, and lover of peace

Hades - God of the underworld, god of the dead

Hephaestus - god of metal work and fire

Hermes - messenger of the gods, god of trade

Hestia - goddess of marriage, home life, and family

Poseidon - god of the sea

please inlude all the gods/goddesses and tell me what the melody is but if you cant i'll make up the melody

Write me a short song?movie theatre

all these god slept together

they just siad what the *** ever

that is considered incest

but they always hump never rest

there kids are retarded

why did you post this it is also retarded

zues is tappin hera his sister

boy last night he missed her

Write me a short song?playhouse opera theater

And just when is this school project due?

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