Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Natural birth VS. Medicated?

I am a brestfeeding momma but i am curious as to why so many nursing moms call those who feed their children formula lousy moms, or lazy or irresponsible.

I agree that breast is best. but it is not for everyone. some women try and find it very hard or the child wont latch or what not. why cant we just accept the choice even if we dont agree.

On the flip side why do formula moms have to give nursing moms some much crap about nursing in public. You feed your baby in public why shouldnt we. There is nothing wrong with our CHOICE to latch our shild to our breast during dinner or while watching a movie in the theater. I do not criticize you shaking your bottle of formula.

And why is there a big to do about natural vs medicated birth. i have had 2 epidurals and will be giving birth at home this time around. But why do i get pity sounds for my medicated births from mothers who have gone natural and why do i get harsh words from people who think i should be in the hospital.

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Natural birth VS. Medicated?concerts

I can't take it anymore. I will not be listing names but some of you are just morons. I am one of those passionate that breast feeding is best.

That said, there is one reason that I know of for sure in which breast feeding is not OK. Glactosimia (forgive my spelling). As rare as this condition is I have two friends who have given birth to a child with this condition. Other than that I do find myself a bit angered by women who just swear they didn't have enough milk or tell me their baby wasn't latching on properly. There are very few pediatricians out there who know what they are talking about when it comes to breast feeding and there are even fewer hospitals that really promote breast feeding indeed. I find this to be one of the saddest things as there are far to many woman who listen to these doctors as though they were God himself. Good for you having your baby at home! I wish you all the best!

The biggest moron who answered this says that there is only one benefit of breast feeding that is greater than that of formula. You aren't even capable of breast feeding as you are a man so until you have the option don't answer these questions with something that stupid. How many woman who are on the fence have now read your post?

As far as the epidural is concerned I have to have them as I have c-sections for all of my births. You want to criticize my c-sections go right ahead but there is not a doctor who will let me try for a VBAC and the reason I had the first on was because the baby was dying (yes she died anyway) after 38 hours of labor. I wish people did not treat epidurals as some sort of safe drug. They are not. As Diceman2 pointed out there are some real concerns there.

Lastly, I have no clue as to where anyone stuffing a bottle in there childs mouth with out ever having seriously tried to nurse gets off voicing there opinion about a mom nursing in public.

The reason you get all of these kinds of answers from breast feeding moms is because we are passionate with cause. There is nothing even close to the benefit of breast feeding.

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Natural birth VS. Medicated?headache opera theater@ david_carringtonjr ah, i myself am caught in being wrong. what i was actually referring to is a Gene which reacts to breastmilk theres more about it here Report It

Simple...there are rude people out there who have nothing better to do than criticize others. I went both routes. I breastfed two and bottlefed one. I had one natural birth and two epidurals. I don't care what other's think - I have 3 beautiful happy children!
Because some people think motherhood is a competition.Don't let it get to you.
I'll admit, I do "look down" on moms who CHOOSE formula. Why? When you read about everything it has that formula doesnt have, how could you NOT give that to your baby? How could you pass on giving immunities to cancers, diseases, allergies, etc .. to your baby?

I would just like to understand why, really. But, instead I get 'thumbs down' and called a nazi or rude. how about explaining it instead?

Because no two women see things exactly alike. And these are "Hot button" topics that are always sure to get people riled up. Women are PASSIONATE about their personal decisions about childbearing. It is a very sensitive issue, and so of course women become 'mother bears' whenever they feel attacked for their beliefs and convictions about "what is best." When the truth of the matter is, all you can do is make the best decision for yourself. How to birth, how to feed, it really is your own business. And I do wish we as girls would be more supportive of each other, and less critical when someone chooses a birth/feeding method that we aren't espoused to. Motherhood is hard enough as is! We need to help each other, not make it more complicated or contriversial.
maybe their jealous.

"I wish I could just throw a bottle together in 5 seconds and feed it to you in like 10 minutes" says the breast feeder

"I wish I could have that bond from breastfeeding" bottle wavers

"I wish I would have gotten the epidural cuz that pain was hell"

and.. I don't really have a smart *** remark for the at home thing... But I'm not against you. people didn't need hospitals 100 years ago to have babies, they don't really need them now, unless there are complications.
I think to each her own. I have been a nursing mother and bottle mom. I nursed all three a little while. The first only a short time I think I was too young to have the patience for it. The second one I nursed for almost a full year, and the last one just a short time. I would have liked to have nursed him longer but they were less than a year and a half apart in age and it was too much for me trying to nurse for long periods and tend to the needs of a small toddler who was insanely jealous. What is right for one family is not always right for the next. Only we know what is best for our own children and our own sanity.

As for the diffirence in births, well I had 3 c-sections.
I dont know why everyone makes such a big deal about it. I nursed both of my children, they never had a bottle and I am very proud to say it because I know I did best for my babies. My personal opinion on moms not nursing their kids is that they dont try hard enough, now I'm not saying everyone doesnt try hard enough, I'm not trying to make everyone mad by saying that, but people that I personally know, my family and friends who have babies didnt try very hard or at all. But I feel if that was their choice then so be it, but I am glad that I tried and stuck to it even though it wasn't always easy but once you are into a routine its very rewarding. I had epidurals with both kids and there is still nothing easy about giving birth, no matter what anyone says!
Women who know the benefits, don't have to go back to work, and CAN breastfeed but don't for silly reasons like it'll ruin thier breasts, or they don't have the time (bullcrap) ARE LAZY, AND SELFISH.

women who know the benefits, but can't due to issues, or have to go back to work, are not. this group of women i feel sorry for, and wish did have the support needed.

the biggest problem, is they use excuses like, i didn't have enough milk, or the baby wasn't latching properly, instead of getting help, give up.

this is just detracting from the women who actually do have problems.

Regarding epidurals.

Studies are underway, but so far there has been a few findings

1. Epidurals cause longer labours, this is due to the epidural surpressing the Hormones required to move labour along.

2. Epidurals cause groggy babies (we knew this for awhile) making it harder to get the baby latched on (since the latch is supposedly strongest after birth)

3. a study has been branched off to find out if epidurals have an impact on PND, i'll an eye on that myself.

to the below poster.

a recent study has found that there is a certain protein in many newborns that when combined with breastmilk, improves brain development.

this protein isn't in all newborns.

of course, other factors also account.
i am huge proponet of natural birth for mothers that want to be successful at breastfeeding

it is common common problem for the dangers of the epidurals, inductions and c-sections to be sidestepped and or played down

epidurals give way to a medicated baby....then this leads to the new mom who says "my baby just wasn't interested in breastfeeding" "my baby wouldn't latch".....and then they have no help and before they know what happended they are bottle feeding

medicated births and OB interventions can be the downward spiral of a successful birth to breastfeeding's not about being's about choosing the best outcome for the birth process

edit.....the thumbs down prove the brainwashing our medical community plays on's pathetic the sheaple in here

what i speak is the truth whether you like or's the damn truth and proven with numerious studies.....pick up the book "Impact of Birthing Practices on Breastfeeding, protecting the Mother and Baby contimuum"

though i am not saying that interventions are end all of breastfeeding.....but it takes an educated and determined mother to establish the breastfeeding relationship after such interventions

my first birth was induced from preeclampsia......the labor was @##$#@ hell, i ended up with a spinal block and pushing for an hour and a half.......i feel lucky to have had a vaginal birth....and luckily the spinal had worn off by time she was born so she wasn't born all drugged up and unable to breastfeed

so before you think i am some "nut" why you pull your head out of your as s and do some research and find out the truth

my little rant is directed at all my haters on here
I don't even ask the "Why oh Why" questions of anyone...

I just accept that we are all different, and what works for some cannot work for all.

I believe there are unfortunate reasons for the decline in breastfeeding or the increase in formula feeding, poor prenatal education and a general lack of knowledge about breastfeeding, plus bad or no advice in the hospital, a lack of a good support system once mom gets home, a busy lifestyle that isn't compatible with pumping milk, the reasons go on and on and on.

And the same for the medicalization of childbirth. None of us childbearing-age women can remember before the 50s, before birth was routinized and "doctored" so we have nothing to compare it to, except maybe the births of others. Women comparing "normal" or "routinized" hospital birth to home birth, they feel there is an element of danger because of their own experience, because of their mama's experience, because their doc said it's safer... or they had the pain meds and it worked, it helped them somehow... Home birth mamas feel they have found the end-all-be-all and want to share...

And when we compare ourselves to others, we always feel better than some, and worse than others. And it all boils down to, we are all a little insecure and want validation, it's easier to think WE are doing it right and someone doing it differently is doing it wrong, than to think... we all do things differently...

"WHY can't we all just get along?"


"to each his own"
People have to have something always to argue about.

I could care less how someone feeds a baby as long as the baby is getting fed who cares if it came from a can or a breast.

I bottlefeed cause it was my choice.

I think people that go through labor and delievry without the use of any drugs thinks they are better because they were a better woman for taking the pain without taking anything.

Try having a c-section then tell me your better cause you did not take a painkiller.

I don't know why but i have not complained about people breastfeeding in public. I don't care.

But if you notice on here -Breastfeeding moms are the ones that put down bottlefeeding moms. You never see anyone on here saying i bottlefed and i am better than you like you see all those about breastfeeding.
If I have learned anything from Yahoo! Answers, it is that the majority of American women are just NOT well-informed about these issues.

Look at this thread -- 'oh, formula's almost as good,' and the genuinely surreal ""I wish I could just throw a bottle together in 5 seconds and feed it to you in like 10 minutes" says the breast feeder" (huh??)...

If you had an epidural despite being fully informed of the risks, yay for you. So did I, actually. As part of a calculated and successful bid to avoid a c-section. Next time, doing it at home would be nice indeed...

But there're all sorts of "How early can I get the epi?" questions in the 'Pregnancy' section here, from girls with no clue that it's not necessarily a great idea.

Formula questions garner a lot of nonsense about how it's just fine for babies because, well, now it has magic ingredient X! It is not. It is still garbage. It is a tragedy and a major public health problem that so many women have been led to believe that formula is a good thing to give an infant.

As for the nursing in public criticism -- well, really, who cares?

Sorry, but? One thing I don't get is that if you're convinced you made the right decision vis-a-vis some parenting issue, anybody else's criticism should NOT bother you. There're loads of people on here happy to shout at you about how co-sleeping increases SIDS risk no matter how it's done, and about how cuddling a baby to sleep/picking her up the second she looks sad/babywearing/etc will start 'bad habits.' To which I just snicker, and go back to co-sleeping and cuddling with no worries. I don't care how other people feel about my daughter eating in public.
What ever works best for you is the BEST and ONLY thing to do
It's become a religious debate. Our natural insecurities make us lash out at anyone doing something differently, because it makes us worry we might not be doing something right.

Breast IS best. But it's only best by a slim margin. There's no need to exagerrate the benefits to make bottle-feeders look bad.

People that give breast-feeding mothers a hard time are just plain rude. It's the most natural way to feed, so people just have to get over this Puritanical, body-hating nonsense.

I think its the same with natural Vs. medicated. I cannot imagine why a woman wouldn't take advantage of the modern miracle of pain management -- no surprise that "natural" was proposed by a man! But again, to each their own.

I must say on this subject I might be less than objective. My wife was in labor, and planned from the beginning to have an epidural. One of the nurses actually tried to discourage her at the 11th hour, and LIED to do so! She said "Oh, you're already past the worst of it. You might as well not get it." Well, this was our second kid, and we knew damned well the worst was yet to come. It was a shocking breach of ethics in my opinion, all to push her own agenda.

Bugsey, I'll explain it: yours is an example of the exaggeration I'm talking about. "Immunity to cancer?" Are you kidding me? Breast milk is clinically proven to provide a boost to immunity in the first weeks of life. That's about the only solid, tangible benefit over formula. Almost every other claim (higher intelligence, lower obesity) is based on, at best, epidemial studies, which are notoriously difficult to control.

Diceman2: Are you referring to DHA? This is now added to formula. Which more or less speaks to my point: whenever something about breast milk is clinically proven to be superior (and it is superior, as I said up front), it is duplicated and added to formula. Incidentally, the amount of DHA in breast milk also varies depending on a woman's diet. No such problem in formula, where there will always be the same amount.
I can tell you as a bottlefeeder that I did what was best for my son and don't care what nutbags have to say. I believe they are bitter that they were conned by people like the nursing mother assoc. who have some political axe to grind. My son is academically brilliant and athletically outstanding. If he was any better scientists would have snatched him for an alien autopsy.
Don't let 'em get to you. People are rude because they want you to be just like them. When you're not, they get pissed. That's the way it is. Do your own thing, don't listen to the nay-sayers on here. They're stupid little avatars on a screen, and in real life, dumb people with no lives and a computer.

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