Thursday, December 10, 2009

How many of these have happened to you?

You've been wearing a pair of sunglasses, only to have someone point out that another pair is on your head.

You've said, "I really want to see that!" to half of the advertisements shown at the theater.

You've been reading for what seems like an eternity, only to realize nothing on the page registered even the teeniest bit.

You've gone out with friends only to come home thinking, "I could've been...."

You've been so cold, you took a burning hot shower, only to come out pinched and red, and freeze some more.

You've procrasinated something important, to do the less important things, and payed for it later.

You've made a mistake with someone you cared about, and the effect will never be erased.

You've thought about something forever, and have never done anything about it.

My point is, everyone does stupid things right?

How many of these have happened to you?opera songs

i have to say i have done atleast 3 of them... ill point out 2

You've made a mistake with someone you cared about, and the effect will never be erased.

You've thought about something forever, and have never done anything about it.

How many of these have happened to you?secure browser opera theater

OOOOOOOOH yeah, we all do those things and there's nothing wrong with it...its just life!
ahha i've done like all of those
Yes, if we are honest, everyone has done some goofy stuff.

We're human -- it's in us!

And yes, I've done two of the above (but I'm not 'fessin up to which!)

well yeah.

nobody's perfect

flaws are what makes us different
I've only accomplished 3; the movie one, the procrastination one and the thinking one (last one)
Probably because these are somewhat exaggerated, I cannot think of any of these examples that I've done before.
yep i did about all of those...

nice thinking i like that....

cool stuff these are stuff you do but you don't really notice
haha. yeah, deffinetly. I think I've done like everyone of these. Nice to know I'm not the only insane person in this world. lol. Especially the one about reading something and not registering it. I do that all the time in social studies. haha.

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