Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why is bush linked so closely to our fighting men and women? didnt he dodge vietnam by joining the g

he fought hippies, the unsung heroes of veitnam fought human foes trying to kill them. how is that remotely similar, and how on earth did that tie him in with any service man or woman in any branch in any theater of combat in any war? how could anyone have fallen for him and his string pullers' propaganda? he looks like a sleazy mobile home salesman or used car salesman. i voted for mickey mouse, BTW...gore or kerry wouldve been equally bad.

Why is bush linked so closely to our fighting men and women? didnt he dodge vietnam by joining the guard?greek theater

Didn't Clinton dodge Vietnam by going out of the country? At least Bush joined the guard. His family had the money to send him out of the country. Why must people live in the past?

Look, you don't have to like the guy, but he is the President of the United States and as such deserves the support of the American People.

I didn't vote for Clinton and I said the same thing about him. Once he took that oath of office, he had my support as the President. I didn't like him, but supported him while he held the office. That is the way it should be!

Why is bush linked so closely to our fighting men and women? didnt he dodge vietnam by joining the guard?performing arts show opera theater

Will Obama and Hillary surrender to Al Qaeda on the day they get into the WH?
yeah but he wore a FLIGHTSUIT..... and protected us from MEXICO
and provided one dental record as proof he wasnt AWOL-------now THATS leadership
And where was Bill Clinton while Bush was in the Guard? And isn't he your hero even though he didn't serve?
bush is a draft dodging chickenhawk that hid behind his daddy's apron strings in the Guard rather than go active duty and go fight in vietnam.

As a veteran I find bush to be a disgusting coward!
He didn't dodge Vietnam. Those who dodged Vietnam were the ones who didn't sign up for any military duty. Many of them left America altogether.

Do you consider those who joined the Coast Guard as draft dodgers during Vietnam?

Bush fulfilled his military duty, and there is nothing to say that he might not have been sent to Vietnam, just as National Guardsmen are being sent to Iraq now.

Kerry went to Vietnam and then manufactured purple hearts as fast as he could to get out, but with honor--tell me he wasn't thinking politically even then.

Gore is......possibly from another planet.

bomb-away, you're confusing Bush with Clinton. Cause Bush was actually in the military while Clinton wasn't "inhaleing".

And to the person that asked this question, why not go ask this type of propaganda question the Guardsmen that served in Viet Nam and the ones currently serving in Iraq. I bet they'd have numerous responses for you.
His Daddy got him into the Air National Guard to avoid the draft. Then the spoiled little brat decided he didn't have to show up for training, didn't have to comply with the minimum-flight hours required, didn't have to show up when he was supposed to......and was AWOL.....

And, for those who weren't there or who don't remember....... Many men dodged the draft during the Vietnam mess. Many fled to Canada, many simply "disappeared".... Vietnam, like Iraq, was an illegal war that was unwinnable and was eating our young men by the thousands.... The President(s) ignored the will of the people, lied to everyone, lied about the war and it's carnage. (Sound familiar?)

Millions of us hit the streets in protest against that war...because,you see, we had GUTS and we knew that if millions of people were in the streets in Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco; on college campuses all over the nation.... we knew that sooner or later, the war could be stopped and our soldiers could come home. Unlike the arm-chair warriors today, we were on the streets because it was a WRONG war.... You can bet your bottom dollar that if the draft were in effect today, many of the arm-chair warriors and others would be residing in Canada or Mexico or hiding out in the woods in the Northwest.

I don't necessarily judge Bush on his military service - or lack of it. I judge him because he is immoral, he's a liar, he doesn't give a rats behind what "we, the people" want. He has appointed his friends and political cronies to positions in our government for which they are not competent..... He is ruining our economy, he is ignoring the domestic problems we have. I judge him because he has ruined our justice system, he has we citizens at each others throats, he has divided us so badly....

I judge him because, in his lust for oil, he has invaded Iraq, ruined that country, destroyed their infrastructure. I judge him because he keeps lying to us about everything concerning Iraq. I judge him because he keeps throwing our best and youngest people into the slaughter over there.

I judge him because he has no respect for the laws of our country, because he has no respect for our Constitution, no respect for Congress (OUR voice!!!) and because he thinks he is above the law.

And, before you start throwing arrows at me....know this. I had 3 brothers who served in Vietnam, 2 came back. I have 2 nephews on their 3rd turn around in Iraq. I served in the Marine Corp. My family, on both sides, have served in every war this country has had since the Revolutionary war......

I'm not against war. War is sometimes necessary. I am against this one...we had no business invading a sovereign nation because our "leader" is in a snit and because he thinks he will go down in history as the big "liberator"....

Boy, is he in for a surprise.

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